初任務を終えて・黒鷲の学級 First Mission (Black Eagles)
(玄関ホール 夕方)
Entrance Hall | Afternoon
エーデルガルト: 師、帰り際に赤き谷を眺めていたけれど、やっぱり貴方も不思議に思った?
Edelgard: On our way out, I had the chance to observe the Red Canyon... Did you notice anything, Professor?
Choice 1: 何の話? What are you talking about?
エーデルガルト: あら……私の勘違いだったかしら。少し残念ね。
Edelgard: Oh, I suppose it was only me, then.
Choice 2: 思った I did. *Edelgard up
エーデルガルト: そうよね。貴方なら私と同じように感じると思ったの。
Edelgard: Of course. I expected as much.
エーデルガルト: あの谷には多くの遺跡があったけれど、いずれもが奇妙なものだった。
Edelgard: The area was covered in ruins, each more curious than the last.
They did not match the architectural style of any era or culture within the Empire. Or across all of Fódlan, for that matter.
That can only mean one thing...
The valley's civilization must have flourished and fallen in the distant past, long before the Empire was established.
エーデルガルト: 師は、あの谷にいったい何が住んでいたと思う?
Edelgard: Who do you think lived there?
Choice 1: 自分たちの先祖 Our ancestors.
エーデルガルト: 随分、当たり障りのない答えね。そう……。
Edelgard: What an uninspired answer...but you're probably right.
Choice 2: すでに滅んだ民族 A culture long since perished. Edelgard up
Choice 3: まさか……地底人? Subterranean beings. Edelgard up
エーデルガルト: ふふっ、人間ではないかもしれないわね。
Edelgard: Heh, it's possible they weren't even human.
エーデルガルト: そして彼らの残滓は、この世界にいまだ影響を与えているのかもしれない……。
Edelgard: Hmm, perhaps their remnants still influence this world...